To advertise your property on Femern Belt Housing & Facilities, follow the steps below.
The prices are:
Private property owners: 90 DKK x 6 (540 DKK) to advertise 1 property for 6 months.
Companies: 180 DKK x 6 (1080 DKK) to advertise 1 property for 6 months.
1. Create your account
In the top right corner you will find a register button, which takes you to the registration page.
Fill out the form and make sure you select the appropriate account type.
If you want to rent out a property, you will need to select private rental owner or company during the registration.
2. Login
After filling out the form you will receive an email with a link to Femern Belt Housing & Facilities.
The link will take you to a page where you can create your new password.
You can always log in using your chosen username and password on the log in page. The log in page can be found in the top right corner.
3. Create your listing / rental property
Click "My Account" in the top menu at the frontpage.
Click "Create listing" in the user menu on the left.
You will now need to provide various information about your property. This includes pictures, a description and other facts writen in English.
Once you have finished, click save.
You will now be taken to "your listings" where you can see and edit the rental property you have created.
4. Pay for your listing / rental property
On the "your listings" page, you will be asked to pay for your listed property in order to make it public.
Click “add to cart” on the property you want to make public.
Click "checkout" if you are satisfied with the overview of the payment.
Click "review order" if everything looks right.
And finally click "Quickpay Payment" to pay with your credit card.
Once your payment is completed succesfully, your property will be made public for 6 months.
You can see the status of your property on the "your listing" page. This also shows if it has been paid for.
5. Removing a paid property that is already rented out
You have two options to remove your property:
Option one is to completely remove it by going to "your listings" page and editing it.
Uncheck the "publish" box and save it. Now it will be hidden from the search engine and on the website.
The other option is to use the the availability calendar. Here you can add the dates that are reserved for periods where the property is rented out.
When you add a reserved period, your property will still appear in the search results, but as “unavailable” on those dates